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A Conservative Revolution in Canada? Pas possible!
Published on June 10, 2004 By David St Hubbins In International

Not sure if any of you have noticed but we're having one hell of an election up here in Canada. The ruling Liberals are getting clobbered and there is a real possibility of a Conservative minority government. For the record, I will be voting Conservative this year. Our current prime minister Paul Martin is more bought and paid by for and stage managed than George W., so I will be glad to see him exit stage left. Liberals spend public money without regard and I think its turning many non-ideological types into 'default conservatives'; they just don't trust the government to do anything sensible with their tax dollars, so they are voting Conservative and shutting the taps off. The Liberals had a huge lead in the polls only months ago so this has been a surprising turn of events.

on Jun 10, 2004
Liberals spend public money without regard

It took people this long to realize that?